
You can access the Reports section from the left-hand navigation bar. Hover over the Reports entry to display the fly-out menu. From here, you can search for a specific report or directly access live, recently sent or transactional reports.

Note: These reports are updated near real-time.

The Reports section provides the following tabs :

Click on a tab to visualize the corresponding report.

Note: Live Messages, Recently sent, Scheduled messages, Recurring Batch Journeys and Custom Journeys also display assets in folders with no access. It is however not possible to access the reports for these assets. The Transactional messages on the other hand only include the messages in folders with access.

Note: All reports in grid format can be exported to a CSV file.
Depending on the active tab (Overview, Detail, Delivery, Email clients), this can be done through an export icon () that's visible on the top-right of the grid or through a button above the grid ().

Note: All open/click/CTO/CTR values are based on unique interactions (unless mentioned otherwise).


Live Messages

The Live Messages overview presents the following data :

  • Message name
  • Exact date and time of sending
  • Number of recipients
  • Successful delivery percentage
  • Number of bounced messages
  • Percentage (%) of messages that have actually been opened
  • CTO (Click to open rate = #clicks / #views)
  • CTR (Click through rate = #clicks / #delivered)
  • Conversion measured

Note: Only messages that are sent through journeys that have been launched within the last 7 days are considered as 'Live Messages' and will be shown.

From this overview, users can consult the details for each of the live messages. Click anywhere on a row or on the Report icon in the overview to access these details.

When the message exists in multiple languages, users can select a language to view the specific reporting for one language or get the data for all languages. Use the language selector at the top-right to make a language selection.

It's possible to switch between the journey properties and report by using the buttons in the toolbar on top.

You can select the time frame within which the data is retrieved as well as the level of detail (grouped by : year, month, week, day or hour).

Underneath the graph, a grid view is available with info about the activity over time (only for the email channel, not for push, SMS and MMS).



Recently Sent

The Recently Sent overview presents the following data :

  • Message name
  • Exact date and time of sending
  • Number of recipients
  • Number of bounced messages
  • Percentage (%) of messages that have actually been opened
  • CTO (Click to open rate = #clicks / #views)
  • CTR (Click through rate = #clicks / #delivered)
  • Conversion measured

From this overview, users can consult the details for each of the messages sent. Click anywhere on a row or on the Report icon in the overview to access these details.

When the message exists in multiple languages, users can select a language to view the specific reporting for one language or get the data for all languages. Use the language selector at the top-right to make a language selection.

It's possible to switch between the journey properties and report by using the buttons in the toolbar on top.

You can select the time frame within which the data is retrieved as well as the level of detail (grouped by : year, month, week, day or hour).

Underneath the graph, a grid view is available with info about the activity over time (only for the email channel, not for push, SMS and MMS).



Transactional Messages

An overview with all launched Transactional Journeys is shown with the following data :

  • Message name (of the asset itself)
  • API name (of the transactional journey)
  • Message name (of the transactional journey)
  • Created date

You can click on the Pencil icon on the right of a Transactional Journey to access (and edit) the Transactional Journey itself.

Click anywhere on a row or on the Report icon on the right of a Transactional Journey to access the detailed report for that Transactional Journey.

When the Transactional Journey exists in multiple languages, users can select a language to view the specific reporting for one language or get the data for all languages. Use the language selector at the top-right to make a language selection.

It's possible to switch between the Transactional Journey properties and report by using the buttons in the toolbar on top.

You can select the time frame within which the data is retrieved as well as the level of detail (grouped by : year, month, week, day or hour).

Underneath the graph, a grid view is available with info about the activity over time (only for the email channel, not for push, SMS and MMS).



Custom Journeys

An overview with all launched Custom Journeys is shown with the following data :

  • Journey name
  • Start date

You can click on the Pencil icon on the right of a Custom Journey to access (and edit) the Custom Journey itself.

Click anywhere on a row or on the Report icon on the right of a Custom Journey to access the detailed report for that Custom Journey.

When the Custom Journey exists in multiple languages, users can select a language to view the specific reporting for one language or get the data for all languages. Use the language selector on the right in the toolbar on top to make a language selection.

It's possible to switch between the Custom Journey properties, design and report by using the buttons in the toolbar on top.

Underneath the graph, a grid view is available with info about the activity over time (only for the email channel, not for push, SMS and MMS).


Recurring Batch Journeys

An overview with all launched Recurring Batch Journeys is shown with the following data :

  • Journey name
  • Start date

You can click on the pencil icon on the right of a Recurring Batch Journey to access (and edit) the Recurring Batch Journey itself.

Click anywhere on a row or on the Report icon on the right of a Recurring Batch Journey to access the detailed report for that Recurring Batch Journey.

When the Recurring Batch Journey exists in multiple languages, users can select a language to view the specific reporting for one language or get the data for all languages. Use the language selector on the right in the toolbar on top to make a language selection.

You can go to the Journey itself by clicking on the 'Go to Journey' button on the right in the toolbar on top.

It's possible to switch between different screens (depending on the channel type) by clicking on the buttons on the left in the toolbar on top :

  • Overview (for all channels)
  • Detail (for email, SMS and MMS channels)
  • Delivery (for all channels)
  • Email Clients (email channel) / Devices (push channel)

Underneath the graph, a grid is available with info about the activity details over time.

There's also an 'Accumulated' section that contains a summary of all total activity values, visual bar charts and some more info like dates, tags and number of runs.

See this section for more info about Recurring Batch Journey reports.


Scheduled Messages

All messages scheduled for execution through Single Batch Journeys and AB Journeys are listed here. This also includes messages that were scheduled in the past (as long as their status is still 'scheduled').

From the overview, you can click through to the actual message and stop the execution.


FAQ : Why do the Reporting tab and Engage Dashboard show different values (for sent, delivered, opened, clicked, ...)?

Test your knowledge about reporting

Which journeys are included in the 'Recently Sent' reporting dashboard?